Welcome readers -- now pay attention.
I'm not here to bullshit you about the latest EP by a Finnish electro-accordion, nu-dance solo artist who has never played a real show, but gathers small groups of friends in his living room at 2:00am for what he calls "time shifting experiences". If you're looking for that -- go to Pitchfork.
If you think I'm going to be reviewing the new Journey CD that's available only at your neighborhood Walmart -- then you're definitely not in the right place.
But in between these two extremes -- there's still a lot of great music being written, recorded and performed.
I'll be publishing new album reviews, talk about upcoming releases of interest, maybe some talk about live shows. We'll look back at some of the classics, I may even drop some Jazz on you from time to time. And to break up the monotony, maybe I'll bring in some guest contributors.
You're going to find that many times we won't agree -- and I will listen to your critique and match it up against mine --- but I'll be right most of the time. j/k
My original concept in 2008 was to begin this blog with a special feature to give you an idea of this site's musical direction. And since everyone loves lists -- our first feature was going to be a compilation list of 50 Records to Buy Since OK Computer. However, what began as an exercise of passion, quickly degraded into an exercise in futility -- and way more work than one man with a regular job could tackle in a timely manner.
Now, in 2012, I've finally decided to kick off this blog and give myself a little corner of Al Gore's Interwebs to review some new records, some old records, some films, maybe a TV show or a comic book or whatever else I feel like doing. It's my blog, I'll most likely be the only one to read it -- so what do you care? Just mind your own damn business and make your own stupid blog. Really, a blog? I'm going to start a blog? What is this, 2002?
Anyway, I still like that idea for using OK Computer as a jumping off point, and I may even revisit the idea of that feature one day. By the way, if you've never heard of OK Computer -- thanks for reading, now go to the mall.
Anyway, I still like that idea for using OK Computer as a jumping off point, and I may even revisit the idea of that feature one day. By the way, if you've never heard of OK Computer -- thanks for reading, now go to the mall.
I remember when OK Computer came out and people were saying it was the "Dark Side of the Moon" for the 90s. What a silly thing to say. (Was it really that long ago that this came out?) Although it is my go-to Radiohead album and I don't think they've ever matched it.
So, maybe it is the DSotM for the 90s.
Hmm... Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter
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Looking forward to reading...
Thanks for reading, gentlemen. Regarding OK Computer, I think it probably holds up as Radiohead's finest moment and it truly is their 'DSotM'. The difference in sales prevents OK Computer from ever being as iconic as 'DSotM', but I think it was responsible for shaping and influencing a lot of alternative / indie music that came afterward. Perhaps not every household has a copy of OK Computer, but I'll bet you most musician's do.
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